Service and Operations Regulations



(Updated to November 2022)





2.1.- Port location

2.2.- Port accommodations



4.1.- Prices and schedules

4.2.- Boarding priorities

4.3.- Other trips

4.4.- Other prices

4.5.- Prices application

4.6.- Prices for ramp use


5.1.- Ticket selling in ports

5.2.- Reservations

5.3.- Currency

5.4.- Ticket and reservation info


6.1.- Huilo Huilo duties

6.2.- Passenger duties



By Decreto N° 32 dated March 9 2018 of the Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones, bidding was awarded to Huilo Huilo Desarrollo Turístico SpA (Huilo Huilo), the “Contrato para el Otorgamiento de Subsidio a la Prestación del Servicio de Transporte Público de Pasajeros y su Carga en Zonas Aisladas, Modalidad Lacustre, en el Tramo Puerto Fuy – Pirehueico, ID CAL0006”, en la Región de los Ríos (The Contract).

This Service and Operations Regulations (the Regulations), sets the instructions and proceedings that rule the said Contract.


2.1.- Ports locations

Puerto Fuy: On the west coast of Lake Pirehueico, Latitude 39° 52′ 19.57″ South, Longitude 71° 53′ 19.37 West.

Puerto Pirehueico: On the east coast of Lake Pirehueico, Latitude 40° 1′ 27.25″ South, Longitude 71° 43′ 20.53 West.

2.2.- Port accommodations

The ports were built by the Port Authorities (Dirección de Obras Portuarias) satisfying the standards requested by the authorities to allow operations of ferries with ramps.

Puerto Fuy: minor port was built in 2012 and comprises a concrete ramp for ferries, service site, parking and passenger accommodations.

Puerto Pirehueico: minor port was also built in 2012, comprises a concrete ramp for ferries, service site, parking and passenger accommodations.

The ports facilities make possible parking of trucks, buses and minor vehicules.


The services are given by two ferries: Barcaza Hua Hum and Transbordador Puerto Fuy.



Building place and year

Ship type

Tonnage (TRG)

Cargo capacity

N° de engines

Engine power

Maximum speed




Hua Hum

Valparaíso, 1999

Barcaza Transbordador


90 meters


660 KW

9 knots

2.5 meters

37.5 meters

9.2 meters


Building place and year

Ship type

Tonnage (TRG)

Cargo capacity

N° de engines

Engine power

Maximum speed




Puerto Fuy

Puerto Fuy, 2017



135 meters


1.324 KW

10 knots

3.0 meters

58.0 meters

12.0 meters



4.1.- Prices and schedules

Schedules of both ferries and prices by ticket category are found in elsewhere in this web page.

4.2.- Boarding priorities

In case that on one day there are more passengers or vehicules that the ferries’ capacities, there will have boarding priority for: police, firemen, ambulances, sewage truck, custom officials, SAG, PDI and Pirehueico´s residents.

4.3.- Other trips

Emergency trips: are all trips not scheduled that need urgency, such as ambulances with ill people or looking for one, firemen, police and others of the kind

Additional trips: in addition to stablished minimum frequencies, the Secretaría Regional del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones (Transport Authorities) will inform Huilo Huilo, day and time when will be needed up to 20 additional annual trips that will dully be justified by the Secretario Regional Ministerial de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones (Transport Secretary) of the los Ríos Region.

Special trips: transport of vehicules with inflammables or dangerous goods that according to the Maritime Authority must travel exclusively in the ferry; trucks with general productive load, whose total occupation is over 50% of the vehicules capacity or 75% of the maximum vehicules load authorized by the Maritime Authority. This special transport services must take place in time other than the scheduled ones.

4.4.- Other prices

In services not included by these Regulations nor by the public fixed prices for scheduled trips, will prevail prices that Huilo Huilo settles with the respective users.

4.5.- Prices application

Prices for clients that require normal scheduled transport are published in this web page

Vehicules and passengers must pay prices accordingly to their type.

Police, firemen, ambulances and sewage trucks are free of charge.

4.6.- Prices for ramp usage

Huilo Huilo can charge third party vessels for used of port facilities at the following maximum prices: $ 25.000, VAT included.


5.1.- Ticket selling in ports

Ticket selling for walking passengers can take place in Puerto Fuy and Puerto Pirehueico, also selling can take place on board.

Walking passengers must board ferries at least 30 minutes before sailing time. In case of delay, boarding can be denied, without payment reimbursement, except in case trip does not take place.

5.2.- Reservations

Reservation system is exclusive for vehicules and its passengers. For that they must make reservations in web page, filling all required information for vehicules and passengers.

Vehicules and its passengers must arrive ports not later than one hour before sailing time. In case of delay, they will lose their reserves without payment reimbursement, except in case trip does not take place.

Walking passengers cannot make reservations.

5.3.- Currency

Prices are in Chilean pesos (CLP) and is the normal currency to pay tickets.

Nevertheless, ticket sale personnel could, and not obliged to, accept other payment currencies, especially USA dollars (USD) and Argentinian pesos (ARS) at the buying exchange rate of banks or exchange currency agencies.

5.4.- Ticket and reservation info

Users may ask for information of ticket sales, reservations and other matters, at [email protected] or to cell phone +569 4277 3450.


6.1.- Huilo Huilo duties

Huilo Huilo is obliged to:

Render lake transport services in Lake Pirehueico, achieving all said in the Bidding documents and in the Contract.

Board and transport passengers and/or cargo required to use the ferries. For that should have operational proceedings accordingly with by the Maritime Authority rules.

Ferries must comply with stablished regulations that the elements and devices allow for a save transport of passengers and/or cargoes.

Must coordinate and program boarding and deboarding the ferries, taking care of physical integrity of users and vehicules, applying proceedings that allow fluently access for vehicules and passengers.

It is not allowed to discriminate towards users transported, accordingly with Contract regulations and norms.

Keep passengers informed when travelling delays occur due to bad weather or another force majeure cause.

In case of delays in sailing on razons due to Huilo Huilo responsibility, must take actions towards palliating the causes, accordingly with the amount of delay.

Huilo Huilo will not have responsibilities due to force majeure.

To have personnel that give information over the services in Puerto Fuy y Puerto Pirehueico’s ports and do the ticket selling in boarding areas or on board the ferry.

To have a reservation system for vehicules and its passengers and cargo, having priority to use this means of transportation for those how live in Pirehueico.

Equipment maintaining and operate, permanently and for 24 hours a day 365 days per year, an information system for users by means of the web page giving continuous and current information regarding the Contract, signalling, at least, its principal characteristics, associated services, with a clear description, price details, sailings hours and all other relevant information.

Must maintain an information system updated for users in the passenger´s ports and ferries, for that purpose must have specialized personnel and due equipment. Minimum must have physical display 24 hours a day, with current information of services given, its prices and schedules, among others. This information must be available in ports and ferries.

Have a plan, information and, Contract promotion for the operation period, included, at least, information related to project benefits, ruts, schedules, prices, operation start, information media, etc.

Cleaning and order service for ferries.

Apply a prevent program of plague control, disinfection and anti-rat.

Have restrooms for passengers in ferries and in port facilities, maintaining them in perfect clean order.

Have a claims book in ferries, where passengers may write their suggestions and claims.

6.2.- Passenger duties

Users are obliged to the following:

To follow regulations published in web page in all its terms and conditions.

To obey instructions given by land and ferries personnel, in connection with installation uses, parking, boarding a deboarding and everything related to port operations and lake transport.

Passengers free of charge, students and under 7 children must show documents that certify such quality. Same thing for elders over 60 years.

Maintain facilities and their contents clean and operating.

Maintain facilities clean and disposing garbage.

Inform to land or maritime personnel anything abnormal or with apparent danger.